Authorized Representative Course

As required under the Travel Industry Ordinance (the Ordinance), a person applying for the issue or renewal of a travel agent licence must propose a specified person 1 who is associated with the business of the applicant to be the “authorized representative” (AR). The AR’s responsibilities include ensuring that the operation of the travel agent is in compliance with all the requirements in the Ordinance. In determining whether an individual is suitable to be an AR, TIA will have regard to a number of matters, one of which is whether the individual has completed a course specified by TIA.

Details of the course are set out below:

Course contents 2:
  • Functions of TIA
  • Duties of AR
  • Requirements for licensed travel agents under the Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation
  • Directives for licensees
  • Professional conduct and corruption prevention
Qualification requirement for enrollment:
Those applying for enrollment must meet the following requirement:
completion of Form 5 education under the 5-year secondary academic structure or Senior Secondary 3 education under the New Senior Secondary academic structure (or equivalent), and possession of at least 5 years of management experience in the travel industry; or
possession of at least 10 years of management experience in the travel industry.
Course duration:
3 hours
Medium of instruction:
Cantonese supplemented with English
(Separate seminars in English will be offered where necessary.)
Teaching mode:
Online seminar with interactive activities
Course fee:
Free of charge (for the first 12 months)
Certificate to be awarded:

An electronic attendance certificate valid for 12 months will be issued to participants upon completion of the course.

Note: Those intending to apply for enrollment should first consider when the relevant travel agent is required to apply for the issue or renewal of a travel agent licence. If in the application for a travel agent licence, the individual proposed by the applicant to be the authorized representative does not hold a valid attendance certificate, the application will not be approved. Therefore, completing an authorized representative course too early or too late may affect an application for a travel agent licence.

Those interested in attending the course may complete and submit an application by clicking the hyperlink below. Applicants will be notified of the result by e-mail.

Application Form – “Authorized Representative Course”

For enquiry, please contact TIA at (852) 3916 3230 between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays), or e-mail

“Specified person” refers to: (a) a director, manager, company secretary or controller of a company; (b) a partner in a partnership, or a person concerned in the management of the partnership; or (c) a sole proprietor, or a person concerned in the management of the sole proprietorship. Please refer to section 25(1)(b) of the Ordinance.
TIA reserves the right to change the course contents without prior notice.